
Thursday, June 24, 2004

Sharing the Love

I originally thought that I would keep the blog roll limited to some of my favorites that I read everyday. I now realized what a stupid idea that was and will be updating accordingly.

One of the first that I need to add is Big Picnic.

or: ten points that should come as a huge relief to our conservative peers


1. I do not support terrorism.

2. Running an organization whose sole purpose is murdering innocent people in an attempt to bring about global Islamic theocracy is worse, by several orders of magnitude, than the worse thing Bush has ever done.

Apparently, some people are of the opinion that Big Picnic does not make this point frequently enough. Rest assured, the above paragraph is an unqualified expression of my thoughts on the subject, and it was never my intention to suggest otherwise. If it's somehow comforting to you to be reminded that Bush is better than a terrorist, then consider yourself so comforted.

3. Criticism of the way someone fights something should not be construed as support for the thing being fought. (ie. If I suggest that someone should not try to put out a grease fire by throwing water on it, such advice should not be interpreted as being pro-fire.)

4. I only possess a single vote, so my influence on American democracy is limited. Likewise, very few voters (or people, for that matter) read this site. Of those, even fewer are actually influenced, in any way, by the things I write.

Be that as it may, I possess no votes in the terrorist elections, and have even fewer readers who boast membership in Al Qaeda. As such, my very, very, limited influence on the American electorate is still greater than my influence on the actions of terrorists. This is one reason that condemnation of figures in American politics is more frequent than condemnation of foreign terrorists; having pro-terror sympathies is not one such reason, as I do not have pro-terror sympathies.

continue reading
|| Jamison 7:54 PM


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