
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Father Drinan

I just heard him for a couple of minutes on NPR (it could have been a local MPR show, I'm not sure). The subject of the discussion was religion in politics. Despite being a Catholic priest, he spoke out in defense of agnostics and atheists as being, "some of the most moral people I know".

The host of the show asked him if people shouldn't prefer their politicians to have some kind of religious faith in order to have a "moral compass". This is not shocking, of course. The absurd view that the deeply religious have been the been the key-holders of morality is a common one despite the fact that even a cursory glance at history would tell us otherwise. The shocking thing is that we almost never hear the counter-argument in our public forums and we certainly never hear it from the clergy or a congressman (he served several terms in Massachussetts).

Here is his bio and email link at Georgetown Law. Drop him an email in support there. You know that his detractors (google him and you will see what I mean) have probably flooded him with angry mail many times, so give him that little pat on the back that he so richly deserves.

|| Jamison 10:03 AM


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